Friday, May 11, 2012


This isn't my first time starting a blog, but it is my first time taking the time to do it. I write in my spare time and have composed a few books. But for some reason I never let anyone read them. I love writing but I might be terrible at it. So i figure that if no one sees what I wrote then no one can judge or put it down. Well to heck with that!! If you don't like what I have to say, then simply just stop reading.

I am a very passionate, sensitive, loving person. I get taken advantage of and have been stabbed in that back by many. But I have recently started to find my voice. And as scary as it is in the world of judgement and criticism, I am finally putting on my big girl panties and spreading the joy whether you like it or not.

I come from a family of very creative woman. I have journals of ideas and stories. My brain is constantly coming up with stuff. My mother is Italian and has always been the strong independent type. Always pursuing her passions and education all the while showering the people most important to her with love and kindness. I happily admit that I have inherited that quality from her. But one I've always been envious of is her confidence. That I don't have. I have gone through life making sure people think I'm confident,  while internally curled up in the fetal position rocking myself back and forth. I'm most comfortable not in the lime light. Being right doesn't make me happy. Proving a point to make someone look bad never settled well with me, so usually I just panic and keep my mouth shut. I am a true lover. I always have the best intentions and want only the best for those in my life. I've felt alone my whole life because I always wanted to be just like my mom. Strong and always remembered. But I've always felt weak and forgettable. I'm not a fighter and don't care too much for negativity. So here you will find me sharing my thoughts, my life, my recipes, and my growth as a stronger woman.
I hope you enjoy it...because if you don't...simply stop reading. Today is the day I spread the joy and add a little something extra special to a world I believe can be the most beautiful place.

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